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Drinking enough water every day plays a great role in maintaining human health. Water accounts for 75 per cent of the substances our body is made up of, and drinking enough water aids digestion and regulates metabolism.
How much water should you have every day? There is confusion among most people over the answer but simple arithmetic gives you the solution. Multiply your weight by 0.03. For instance, if you weigh 50 kg and multiply it by 0.03, you will get 1.5. So, you can have 1.5 litres of water. Yet, depending on weather changes, you can increase or decrease this quantity by either one litre or half-a-litre.
If the body loses even two per cent of hydration, it will get dehydrated. Symptoms of dehydration include parched tongue, dip in blood pressure, palpitation of heart etc. It may cause other complications in the internal organs and trigger even bigger complaints.
As you might have heard, several people say that even after drinking enough water, they feel dehydrated. Such people are advised to drink water once an hour. Or holding a bottle of water, they can take a few gulps once every 15 minutes. Instead if you drink half-a-litre or one litre of water in one go after a long interval, you may feel like urinating frequently as water gets stored abundantly in the kidneys. It does not help much in terms of health.
If you weigh 50 kg and multiply it by 0.03, you will get 1.5. So, you can have 1.5 litres of water. Yet, depending on weather changes, you can increase or decrease this quantity by either one litre or half-a-litre
So, a measured way of taking water and relishing it is recommended to avoid dehydration.
Water can be had in several forms — as tender coconut water, juice of lemon and other fruits, etc. In addition, drinking lemon juice in the morning will rid the body of toxic substances and boost immunity.
Also Read: The hard science behind the alkaline water fad
A study done at Harvard University recently found that about 40 per cent of people who drink water regularly easily attained their weight reduction goals. It is good to drink water half-an-hour before and after having food so that digestion is uniform and problem-free. The nutritional properties of the food consumed will easily be absorbed by the body.
Some people are in the habit of drinking water while having food. But that is not ideal as it dilutes the digestive juices.
Studies have proved that a child who regularly and methodically drinks water has a well-functioning brain and cultivates a sharp thinking faculty. Get an exam-stressed student to drink water so he/she gets cool and relaxed.
Can we afford to neglect drinking water when it has so many health benefits?
There is a 30-day drinking challenge for those who have not yet made it a point to drink water purely from the perspective of health. Fill a bottle with water and put it on the table in the office or at home. Gulp down some water every 15 minutes. Do this kind of drinking water exercise for 30 days. Then you will feel hale and hearty. Here is a video link on the experiment:
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