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Tamil techies have been in the forefront of Information Technology across the world.
Information Technology has gained importance in all fields, whether medicine, space research, or bus transportation. Without internet, everyday life doesn’t move. A big challenge in digital life is cyber crime. To fight cyber crime, more digital technology is required, ironically. Products need to be made to fight cyber crime so common people’s lives are secured. Information exchange regarding technology, status of ongoing research, and jobs is crucial in developing these products. The expertise to develop these technologies needs to be updated too.
Tamil students across the world shine on the world stage with their innovations in digital technology. They have published pathbreaking research papers.

Selvakumar, Head of organizing committee of conference.
A forum is bringing together Tamil techies at the cutting edge of digital technology. The forum’s aim is to exchange information on information technology education, research as well as job opportunities. And it intends to conduct a conference in Chennai in this regard over two days in the month of June.
At the International Tamil Information Technology Research conference, all the Tamil students studying in universities across the world will be identified and their work and inventions introduced. Events will focus on job and research opportunities available, again across the world. Sessions will discuss how to develop software products, the pathways. Many multinationals, IT agencies, computer makers, software ministries of IT, digital education organizations, state-owned IT companies and computer parts makers will participate in the conference, which will be a networking opportunity for Tamil techies.
Tamil students across the world shine on the world stage with their innovations in digital technology. They have published pathbreaking research papers.
The conference will have an exhibition on Tamil Nadu in Information Technology. The conference will help to boost the use of Tamil language on the internet to bring together Tamils. Experts from many countries will talk about job opportunities in 10 sessions. IT students in colleges as well as school seniors will benefit much from this conference. Selvakumar, who heads the organizing committee of the International Tamil Information Technology Research Conference, says Tamils from all countries can participate in the conference. More information can be obtained through email
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