
Arundhati Roy: How Modi 3.0 may well be more virulent

Two days since the news of sanction to prosecute Arundhati Roy broke, many are crying their hearts out. But the allies of the government are silent. Evidently because the writer is sought to be prosecuted over her comments on Kashmir, even the newly energized Congress is reluctant to stick its...

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Arundhati Roy

Decoding election results 2024

Decoding election results 2024 in today's world can be hazardous. Electoral democracy is a stretch, one can say perhaps, given the rulers we have been seeing the world over. Especially now, when someone like Vladimir Putin would like his country to be seen as a democracy and goes through the...

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election results 2024

How Modi avoided India Shining by not being Vajpayee

So the BJP and Modi were indeed afraid of India Shining redux and determined to not let history repeat itself. In the normal course, this election would have resulted in a defeat of the BJP and regime change. But the shenanigans the government unleashed ensured the BJP can still come back to...

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Savukku Shankar: Once a soaring idealist . . .

Savukku Shankar, the social-media influencer, is in the limelight yet again. But behind bars now, on flimsy and even imaginary charges and attacked while in custody. His lawyers apprehend the draconian Goondas Act could be invoked against him. It is rather problematic for me to comment on the...

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Savukku Shankar