Education In a surprise move, Tamil Nadu government decides to oppose center’s proposal to scrap UGCIn a surprise move, Tamil Nadu government decides to oppose center’s proposal to scrap UGC Inmathi Staff | Jul 14, 2018
Politics We don’t see extremism infiltrating in the state, neither does TN government: Makkal AdhikaramWe don’t see extremism infiltrating in the state, neither does TN government: Makkal Adhikaram Inmathi Staff | Jul 11, 2018
Education Even if SC stays NEET ruling, the National Testing Agency may need to be equipped to conduct exams in TamilEven if SC stays NEET ruling, the National Testing Agency may need to be equipped to conduct exams in Tamil Inmathi Staff | Jul 11, 2018
Politics TN Assembly passes Lok Ayukta bill, opposition walks outTN Assembly passes Lok Ayukta bill, opposition walks out Inmathi Staff | Jul 9, 2018
Education State response muted on centre’s move to scrap UGCState response muted on centre’s move to scrap UGC Inmathi Staff | Jul 9, 2018